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Un ex-international gallois raconte sa cure de désintox

Un ex-international gallois raconte sa cure de désintox

Le bon combat.

David Cotterill, international gallois entre 2008 et 2018, a raccroché les crampons depuis quelques mois. Sa carrière, éparpillée entre Wigan et de nombreux clubs de Championship (Doncaster, Birmingham, Bristol City) s’est terminée par une dernière pige en Inde dans l’anonymat le plus total. Dans un message publié sur Instagram, le néo-retraité est revenu sur ses années difficiles.

Two days ago I finally got home from three of the hardest but most beneficial and productive weeks of my recovery journey so far…. I have been staying at Sporting chance clinic battling alcohol dependency which I’m has arisen from years of mental health issues. Finally admitting I’m powerless over alcohol. The staff have been incredible since picking up the phone to them, all very inspiring and unbelievable at what they do so thank you for everything. If anyone reading this is struggling, please think hard about why you want to get better…. For me the main motivation is to be the best father and husband that I can possibly be and it really helped me get through this time. I missed my daughter 1st birthday whilst being in rehab because in my head and my heart I knew missing this birthday would make sure I wouldn’t miss any future birthdays, It was the most difficult thing I’ve done. If you can find that one thing that drives you, keep it at the forefront of your mind and carry on fighting. Things will get better, you’re not alone. If you have any questions about what rehab is like or need help accessing support please comment below. And please remember that alcohol isn’t a solution to alleviating feelings of anxiety and depression #talk #seekhelp #findyourmotivation #bebetter #mentalhealthawareness #mindovermatter

Une publication partagée par David Cotterill (@davidcotterill11) le 23 Avril 2019 à 11 :54 PDT

En effet, il admet avoir été « impuissant face à l’alcool » . Pour y remédier, il a suivi une cure à la Sporting Chance Clinic dans le sud de l’Angleterre. Dans un long message, il remercie chaleureusement l’établissement ainsi que son personnel « incroyable » . Cotterill confirme aller beaucoup mieux aujourd’hui, profitant des moments avec sa fille dont il avait loupé le premier anniversaire, étant en cure de désintoxication.

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