Dimitar appuie sur le bouton Berbatoff.
Passé par l’AS Monaco et surtout brillant lors de ses années mancuniennes, l’attaquant bulgare Dimitar Berbatov, 38 piges au compteur, a officiellement annoncé qu’il prenait sa retraite. Une demi-surprise puisque le meilleur artilleur de sa sélection, avec 48 pions au compteur, n’avait plus retouché le cuir depuis mars 2018 et la fin d’une brève pige en Inde.
« Je sais que certains d’entre vous pensaient que j’étais déjà retraité, a-t-il déclaré, moqueur, dans un long post Instagram annonçant la nouvelle. J’ai essayé de trouver un club l’année dernière, mais ça n’est jamais arrivé.(…)Mon dernier match était il y a plus d’un an, donc je pense qu’il était grand temps que je m’arrête pour de bon. Même si, quand j’y pense, ce n’est jamais vraiment « La Fin » puisque je resterai dans le football d’une façon ou d’une autre. » Dimitar Berbatov tire sa révérence après une carrière de plus de vingt ans, qui l’a mené dans huit clubs à travers six pays et lors de laquelle il aura marqué près de 300 buts, clubs et sélection confondus.
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On this special day today, / if you don’t know why, check the story ?/ i decide to share this with you, which i was preparing to post a while ago, but didn’t… I don’t know why… I know some of you already thought that i retired, and now maybe you are like WTF Berbs we know that you don’t play, but i did try to find something last year.. Didn’t happened ???♂ So, someone told me i need to say something, and seeing that people where asking me, especially back home, i need to give a farewell message! So, here it is! My last game was more then one year ago, so i think its the right time now to stop and its long overdue! Although when i think about it, its never The End, because i will stay in the game in one way or another, the time has come to say that after almost 20 years playing football i am stoping with my proffesional ACTIVE football career! I will miss it! I will fucking miss it! Everything! The games, trainings, the goals, preparations, the presure, my teammates… the roar of the fans when i scored another banger ?? I was blessed and work hard to have the oportunity to play with one of the best ever and against some of the best ever! And coming from small country this makes it even more special for me! I had my highs and of course some lows in my career, won my fair share of trophies, score some goals along the way as well! I played the way i wanna play, and i scored the goals i wanted to score! Thank you to all the people who helped me develope, and became the player i always wanted to be! Thank you to all my former teams my teammates and my coachs and staff! It was a pleasure! I know at times i was not easy to work with, but i always gave my everything for the teams i played for! I hope you all have enjoyed my game, and everything i gave to entertain you on the pitch! ?? Damn it, i will miss all of this, peopleee, because i love football so much… But i am sure you will miss me as well ? Thank you! ?? DB9
Une publication partagée par Dimitar Berbatov (@berbo9) le 19 Sept. 2019 à 7 :18 PDT
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